Cyclistes devant l'observatoire d'oiseaux au Marais Vernier © David Darrault - La Seine à Vélo

La Maison du Parc Naturel Régional des Boucles de la Seine Normande

Located at Saint-Nicolas de Bliquetuit, on a former farming estate that includes a 16th-century manor, a barn, an old bread oven, a dovecote, a cart shed and a press. The Maison du Parc is a visitor and tourist information centre presenting, year-round, themed exhibitions and events linked to sustainable development, as well as providing tourist literature on the park and surrounding area. It’s an essential stop to help you understand the local flora and fauna, as well as the rural heritage and traditional buildings of these parts.


Discover la Maison du Parc Naturel Régional des Boucles de la Seine Normande


Parcours à la carte